
Saturday, 3 December 2016


Photo Credit : Preethi Bhat
You live in a world with a population of 7.4 billion.
And in everyday life maybe you are surrounded by at least 50 people.
But in spite of all this company at some point of time you would have been stranded by yourself in your journey of life.
And that’s when you feel the Voldemort word “LONELY
A word that nobody wants to use nor feel.
It’s a tough feeling no doubt

There were times when I felt lonely.
But, little did I know that that behind that awful loneliness was a whole new world left for me to explore.
Do you want to know which world I’m talking about?
No it’s not something wacky or entangled.
It’s was just
The world of me!
Yes you heard me right.
It’s a normal human tendency to want to have someone to share your feeling and thoughts.
And it’s OK!
Relying on that person or persons now that is a bad habit.
Get over it now.
You may think that it’s easy to tell but difficult to do.
It may be difficult so what?
Nothing in life is easy isn’t?

Think about it
You came into this world by yourself.
And so you just live in it by yourself every single day.
There is no feeling called loneliness.
Because you have a company in yourself for the rest of time.
Find a friend in yourself.
And the next time you are left behind with no company.
Just step into the world of you and you will find a friend.
 Learn about yourself and enjoy your company.
Simply because there is no better company than yourself.

Photo Credit : Shivani kankaria


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